Updated: 05.04.2024
Edited by Reinette Mostert
The following changes was implemented on the T/C:
Skills – July 2023 and March 2024 – Tambuki night – 17 April
March 2024 – ILM will be conducted over a period of time
July 2023 – SMB moved
Spec – March 2023 – SMB and MMB together with July 2023 intake
PDY – ILM will be conducted over a period of time (monthly)
Pls note the July intake students will receive some of the ILM classes earlier than the rest of the group due to their end dates
Edited: 2024-04-08 Skills calendar - LLC student Lerato moved from GRM to QCTO Cert Conf and events - Permission granted by G Mir
Edit: 2024-04- 17 - Add Short course learner Vania to Skills FB 9/04 to 13/05
Edit: 2024-04-18 - Add Short course learner for NSG starting 23rd of April - Armand Burger
Edit:2024-04-23 - adjust A Burger course = 10 weeks
Edit : 2024-05-07 - Add short course learners for CACG starting 2024-05-21
Edit: 2024-05-17 - Change Spec Year groups for GRM
Edit: 2024-06-04 - Updated
Edit: 2024-06-24 - update All calendars
Edit: 2024-07-01 - Dr Wort added[SPEC & PDY]/GMB shorten/Skills - learners changing courses
Edit: 2024-07-05 : Event and leave changes to TC
Edit: 2024-07-18 July Intake weekend updated.
(Edited by Antonet Behr - original submission Friday, 5 April 2024, 10:32 AM)
Edit: 2024-07-25 - Add Short course learners to Skills calendar
Edit: 2024/07/28- July intake weekends changed (Elizmi and Rowdean)
Edit: 2024-08-05 - Updated Amy Wheeldon Skill TC
(Edited by Antonet Behr - original submission Friday, 5 April 2024, 10:32 AM)
Edit: 2024/08/22: Adjustments made to event weekends and programmes in general to all TC
Edit: 2024-09-16 : Add Wine and Bar course to Skills T/C, change Masango course from Reception to Acc Diploma on request by F/head
: PDY T/C add Nikita lee's course
Edit 2024-09-20 : Adjustments made on TC
25: PDY - set the latest Dr Wort dates for training
Edit 2024-10-23 : Student formal date move from 2024-11-06 to 2024-12-05
Spec/PDY add Academy week dates in January for Conservation group
Edit 2024-11-12: FGASA group leave changes
Edit 2024-11-13: Add Short course learner